Pink Gem, Dingee Large Flowering Chrysanthemum

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $9.95

Stock #:744547
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
City: West Grove
State: Pennsylvania (PA)
County: Chester
Condition: Writing
Postmark: Jul-26
Postmark City: Westgrove
Postmark State: PA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.75" (9 x 15 cm)
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No. In Further acknowledgment of your valued order, we wish to advise that we have booked same for shipment, which we consider the proper planting time in your locality for the plants ordered. If this does not meet with your approval, kindly advise us and your requests will have our prompt attention. Do not make a mistake by planting too early. Many failures have resulted therefrom. Our stock is large, and the goods will be reserved for you. When replying be sure to return this card. 10 "Surplus Collection" of Large Flowering Dingee Chrysanthemums $1. Chrysanthemums have developed in the last few years to a wonderful extent. Those who have not seen the magnificent blooms offered in the florists' shops cannot realize the beauty of these flowers. They often produce blooms measuring in diameter from six to eight inches of the most beautiful shades and exquisite formation, and those who have seen them can have them in their own yard if grown as per instructions in our catalog a copy of which will be sent you on request if you do not possess one. In this collection we offer the standard varieties offered in our catalog, of which we have a surplus, as we grow them in great quantities to supply our trade, as it is impossible to tell just how many of each kind we will need. If you will send us $1.00 we will send you 10 of these plants, postpaid, by mail, safe arrival guaranteed. These plants will produce the large exhibition blooms if planted about the first of June and grown according to instructions. You will not be disappointed in these and will afford you more real pleasure than could be had for the amount spent in any other way. A trial will convince you. The Dingee & Conard Co. West Grove, PA. Leading Rose Growers of America.

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