One Dollar is all you
need pay as a first pay-
menton a Geneva phon-
ograph after you have
had it in your home 15
days and decided to
keep it. Then the bal-
ance you can pay in
little payments ranging
from $3.50 up per
month. $3.75 worth of
disc records free with
any Geneva you order.
We charge no interest
on the payments. That
means an extra saving
to you and you order
a Geneva with the
understanding you can
return it at our ex-
pense if you don't say
it is the most wonder-
ful phonograph bar-
gain ever placed within
your reach.
Our beautiful color-
printed portfolio
shows the different
styles of Genevas in
colors. You can't afford
to buy a phonograph
without first writing
to us for information
on Genevas.
All you
need to do is to fill out
the coupon and mail this postal card back to us and we will send
portfolio, order blank, price list, etc., by return mail.
15 Days Free Trial
We'll ship you any Geneva Phonograph you choose on 15 days trial,
no money down. Several styles to select from. $3.75 worth of the
latest double-disc records shipped free with any Geneva you order.
Geneva Phonographs play all makes and sizes of disc records. Hun-
dreds of homes all over the country are buying Genevas, because
they are perfect-tone phonographs and cost much less than other
phonographs of similar quality.
Distributors of Geneva Perfect-Tone Phonographs
801 Association Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
Please mail to me at once, post paid, complete
information regarding your FREE trial on Geneva
Phonographs, trial order blanks, etc.
Chicago, III.
801 Association Bldg.,
To Midwest Phonograph Co.