You Can't choose your Relatives. But, you can choose your friends. Join Sans Souci Exchange and swap hobbies with congenial people around the world. Membership $1.25. Sample copy 25c. Address S. S. E., Box 471, Tulsa 1, Okla.., U. S. A. Pillow Tops For Sale: Collection of thirty new souvenir pillow tops. Also collection of six thousand view cards in books. Write Mrs. Kenneth Reside, Waukon, Iowa. Free 10 Viewcards or 25 stamps with year's dues in Peggy's Pal Club, $2.00 a year. 5 viewcards or 15 stamps with 6 months dues at $1.00. Shut-ins ½ price or less. Write! Sample copy of 8 page magazine 15c. Peggy's Pal Club, P. O. Box 1354, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. Pretty Girl Photos Collectors! Get These!!! 20 Glamour girls (three given addresses). Send 15 three-cent stamps. The Review, P. O. Box 700, Indianapolis 6, Indiana. State Capitals 48 states, Washington, D.C., White House. $1.00. 10 for 25c; single cards 5c. Sweeney's Card Service, 1033 McDonnell, East Los Angeles 22, California. Nation Wide View Cards. Post offices, court houses, hospitals, churches, public buildings, hotels, bridges, Indians, etc.; mountain, desert, beaches, streets and cities, a wide variety. My selection 100 for $1.00. Post Paid, U.S. only. Sweeney's Card Service, 1033 McDonnell, East Los Angeles 22, Cali |