200 Years Of Freedom

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $4.95

Stock #:120856
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
Publisher: Heck Pub. Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Tell all the world a-bout it, Stand on your feet and shout it. Two hun-dred years of lib-er-ty…….. Tell all the world our Sto-ry, two - hun - dred years of glo - ry. We know the joy of be - ing free. . . . . . Wake up the world, we're mov-ing, Wake up the world, we're march - ing on - ward to high-er des-ti-ny. . . . . Two hun - dred years of free-dom, two hun - dred years of free-dom, Two hun - dred years of lib - er - ty! May our na - tion, un - der God, re - mem - ber where our fa-thers trod and raise our ban - ner proud and fee for peo - ple of the D. S. world to see. - ty. . . . Two hun - dred years of Fine lib - er - ty! 200 years of freedon is the official Bicentennial Song of Warner Robins, "Georgia's International City", written in 1975 by Glenn Heck. The arrangements for solo, chorus, barbershop quartette and band are by Lyle Heck.

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